All Campaigns
One-pager and other informational resources
- One-pager: New York Food Justice [IPHN]
- Report: NOURISHING Food Policy Framework [World Cancer Research Fund International]
- Report: State of Obesity 2024: Better Policies for a Healthier America [Trust for America's Health]
Sign-on support links
Organizational sign-on form for all campaigns
- Spanish/Espanol: Formulario de inicio de sesión de la organización para todas las campañas (NYC orgs)
- Bangla: NYS -এ স্বাস্থ্যকর পুষ্টি নীতির অনুমোদন (NYC orgs)
- Medical/health professional sign-on (professionals living or working in NYS)
Predatory Marketing Prevention Act (PMPA)
Fact sheets and other informational resources
- Fact sheet: Food Marketing to Kids [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Fact sheet: Digital Food and Beverage Marketing to Kids [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Webpage: New York State Predatory Food Marketing Campaign [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Report: Targeted Marketing [UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health]
- Report: Big Food, Big Tech, and the Global Childhood Obesity Pandemic [Center for Digital Democracy]
- Report: Evidence-Based Recommendations to Mitigate Harms from Digital Food Marketing to Children Ages 2-17 [Healthy Eating Research (HER)]
PMPA sign-on support links
- Organizational sign-on form (this campaign only)
- Medical/health professional sign-on (this campaign only)
Excessive Sodium Warning Labels in Chain Restaurants
Fact sheets and other informational resources
- Fact sheet: The Salty Truth About Sodium [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Nutrient Warnings Toolkit [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Website: New York State Nutrient Warning Label Campaigns
- Infographic: Effects of Excess Sodium [American Heart Association]
Sodium warning sign-on support links
- Organizational sign-on form (this campaign only)
- Medical/health professional sign-on (this campaign only)
Sweet Truth - Added Sugar Warning Labels in Chain Restaurants
Fact sheets and other informational resources
- Fact sheet: The Sweet Truth About Added Sugars [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Nutrient Warnings Toolkit [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Website: New York State Nutrient Warning Label Campaigns
- How Much Sugar Is Too Much? [American Heart Association]
Added sugars warning sign-on support links
- Organizational sign-on form (this campaign only)
- Medical/health professional sign-on (this campaign only)
Protecting New Yorkers from Harmful Chemical Additives in Food
[S1239 / A1556]
Fact sheets and other informational resources
- Fact sheet: Protect New Yorkers from FDA’s Failure: Ban Unsafe Food Additives [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Fact sheet: Unraveling FDA’s Dangerous Secret: Toward Better Regulation of Food Chemical Safety [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Infographic: How Do New Substances Enter the US Food Supply? [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Consumer Guide: EWG’s Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Chemicals: The Top 12 to Avoid [Environmental Working Group]
- FDA moves to eliminate carcinogenic Red 3 from foods [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
Chemical additive safety sign-on support links
Big Apple Kids' Meal Campaign [Int 0641-2024]
(improved nutrition standards for restaurant kids' meals)
Fact sheets and other informational resources
- Fact sheet: Why New Yorkers Should Support Int 0641 [Big Apple Kids' Meal Coalition]
- Fact sheet: NYC Polling In Support of Kids' Meal Bill [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- Fact sheet: Overall Value of Nutrition Standards for Kids Meals [Center for Science in the Public Interest]
- How One New York City Council Member Is Paving The Way for Healthier Kids Meals in Restaurants [American Heart Association]
Sign-on support links
- Organization sign-on form
- NYC Residents: Tell New York City Council: We Want Healthier Options for Kids at Restaurants
- Spanish: Dígale al Ayuntamiento de NYC: Queremos opciones mas saludables para los niños en los restaurantes
- French: Faites savoir à la mairie de New York que vous voulez des repas sains pour les enfants
- Korean: 뉴욕시의회에 호소합니다: 우리는 식당이용시 어린이들을 위한 보다 건강한 선택을 하기를 바랍랍니다
- Bangla: নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি কাউন্সিলকে বলুন: নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি কাউন্সিলকে বলুন
- Chinese: 告诉纽约市议会议员:我们希望孩子们在餐馆有更健康的食物选择