NY Food Justice Campaign Resources

All Campaigns

One-pager and other informational resources

Sign-on support links

Predatory Marketing Prevention Act (PMPA)


Fact sheets and other informational resources

PMPA sign-on support links

Excessive Sodium Warning Labels in Chain Restaurants 


Fact sheets and other informational resources

Sodium warning sign-on support links

Sweet Truth - Added Sugar Warning Labels in Chain Restaurants 


Fact sheets and other informational resources

Added sugars warning sign-on support links

Protecting New Yorkers from Harmful Chemical Additives in Food

[S1239 / A1556]

Fact sheets and other informational resources

Chemical additive safety sign-on support links


Big Apple Kids' Meal Campaign [Int 0641-2024]

(improved nutrition standards for restaurant kids' meals)

Fact sheets and other informational resources

Sign-on support links